Welcome to my space,
I hope you enjoy it.
Hey, I’m Levi.
The last 15 years of my life have been fairly nomadic, I lived in a van for most of 2018 travelling up and down the east coast photographing weddings on the weekends and surfing all the point breaks from the Sunshine Coast to Ulladulla. I find a lot of joy & passion in living minimally and frothing over the simple things — a campfire under the stars mixed with feeling sunkissed and hint of ocean saltiness will keep my engine turning for decades.
I love the nostalgia of photographs from the 70’s and the warmth that came with images 50 years ago — my storytelling is heavily inspired by the compositions and tonality from when your parents were discovering photography.
The Media Kit Template.
Take it from this dusty cat, not having clients sucks. I know what it feels like trying to land jobs and struggling because brands won’t take you seriously. I want you to avoid the mistakes I made for years flopping about like a fish out of water, with these practical tools and resources developed to grow your business.