Practical tools to grow your business.

You don’t need a ‘piece of paper’ to chase your dreams.

I’ve been chasing clients and pitching myself for a lotta years. Believe me, I’ve made all the mistakes for you.

Photography is 80% how to run a business, and 20% how to take a photo.


Practical education.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Take it from this dusty cat, not having clients sucks. I know what it feels like trying to land jobs and struggling because brands won’t take you seriously. I want you to avoid the mistakes I made for years flopping about like a fish out of water, with these practical tools and resources developed to grow your business exponentially.

Are you ready to:

Get inspired.

Whatever’s got you in the creative gutter, stimulating your juices is a sure fire way to get motivated again.


Stand out.

Templates, tried and tested by big-time players, designed to leave a lasting impression to whoever reads them.


Land clients.

Pitching yourself is an art. Increase your chances of landing a dream job with the same kits pro’s use.


Kick ass.

Make sure you send me a selfie from the airplane.


The Media Kit Template

A practical way to land more clients.